The Leading Movie On Groundwater

Author: Christy Woods Page 1 of 4

The Importance of Preserving Groundwater

Groundwater Depletion

When an aquifer is tapped dry, often it’s lost forever as a source of water

The groundwater in underground aquifers is one of our most indispensable natural resources, but overuse and contamination from human activities are severely endangering aquifer viability, leading to economic troubles, public health ills, and even water conflict. Once an aquifer is depleted, the ground above it tends to subside into the empty space and closes off the aquifer forever. Right now, human activities are draining aquifers far faster than natural systems can replenish them. What will groundwater-reliant populations do when their aquifers can no longer be used?

Reliance on Groundwater

In 2015, approximately 29% of the fresh water used in the United States was sourced from aquifers. A third of the water rural and municipal water departments deliver to households and business is pumped from aquifers, and 90% of the rural population depends on groundwater for its drinking water. Even some major metro areas, like San Antonio, rely exclusively on groundwater. Nationally, agriculture gets 48% of its irrigation water from aquifers. Where surface water bodies are lacking, like in the American West, groundwater’s importance is magnified.

Groundwater makes up as much as 33% of global water withdrawals. More than 2 billion people count on groundwater as their main source of water, and 50% of agricultural irrigation water is pumped from aquifers. It’s a key reserve during prolonged droughts like those in the American West, Brazil, and Australia.

Without groundwater, global water security is far more fragile. But despite its vital importance to humanity, groundwater gets far less attention than rivers and reservoirs, perhaps because it is less visible. But whether we can see it or not, the areas of the world that are most reliant on groundwater are depleting it far faster than it can be replenished by natural processes.

Critical aquifers, most of which irrigate the most productive agricultural regions in the world, include those in:

  • The North China Plain
  • Australia’s Canning Basin
  • The Northwest Sahara Aquifer System
  • The Guarani Aquifer in South America
  • The High Plains and Central Valley aquifers of the United States
  • Northwestern India and Pakistan
  • The Middle East

Threats to Groundwater

Population growth is one of the major threats to aquifers. More humans mean more human activities, whether household, agricultural, or industrial. Industrialization and rising living standards are contributing to water demand.

The aquifer under Karachi, Pakistan, is enormous, but it is contaminated with industrial arsenic and, to make matter worse, it is being progressively depleted. In Pakistan, 40% of deaths are attributed to contaminated water. But contamination is not just a problem in the developing world. Much of rural America’s drinking water is suffering from nitrate contamination from agricultural fertilizer.

In Texas, where state officials recently proclaimed they were “about three Lake Meads” short of water, human activities and evaporation do not always explain the aquifer depletion, and the solution to the mystery remains elusive.

Large areas of the Jakarta, Indonesia, are quickly sinking into the Java Sea. One might expect to hear the problem is climate change-associated sea level rise, but aquifer depletion is the greater problem. When aquifers are emptied under the city, the land under the city begins to subside.

And that goes for rural agricultural land on the other side of the world in California. San Joaquin Valley growers have depleted their aquifer so severely that in some places, the ground has subsided more than 20 feet, and the loss of the aquifer’s water storage capacity is considered to be largely permanent.

Depletion in coastal areas worldwide also leads to saline intrusion into aquifers as seawater seeps in to fill the void, rendering aquifers brackish and unusable for most purposes without treatment. In central and Southern California, water management is injecting fresh water into aquifers to halt saline intrusion.

Finally, a new study has determined that there is far less fresh water than thought in U.S. aquifers, but the implications of the discovery are global.

Ways to Protect Groundwater

Natural systems cannot recharge heavily used aquifers faster than growing populations deplete them, but we can help replenish them. The use of pervious concrete pavement, for instance, allows water that might have been disposed of in gutters to percolate into aquifers. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) identifies sites that are ideal for water to enter aquifers and diverts water to them.

California growers, in partnership with local authorities, are diverting excess river flows during wet years into “water parking lots,” which allow the water to percolate into the aquifer for use in dry years.

Wastewater Reuse

Where there is no water to divert, even raw sewage can be converted into high-quality effluent that can replenish groundwater.

In California, cutting-edge water reuse technology, such as Fluence’s membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR), has been certified at Stanford University to conform to strict California Title 22 standards. Due to its simultaneous nitrification-denitrification, MABR has very high nutrient removal and produces effluent suitable for managed aquifer recharge and agricultural reuse.

Fluence provides MABR in two lines of products, Smart Packaged Aspiral, which is suitable for decentralized treatment, and SUBRE, which allows existing wastewater treatment plants to be retrofitted with MABR modules.

Brackish Water Aquifers

Where saltwater has already contaminated aquifers, brackish-water desalination is an option that is becoming ever more viable. In fact, brackish water is easier and less expensive to desalinate than seawater. With technological advances dropping the high price of desalination, the desalination of brackish groundwater is becoming more and more viable.

In the U.S., there are vast brackish aquifer water reserves in coastal areas suffering from saltwater intrusion. Notably, in Texas there are 880 trillion gallons lying unused in brackish aquifers.

Also, in a discovery with global implications, a brackish aquifer under 15,000 square miles of seabed was recently found in the Atlantic off the coast of the U.S. Northeast. Although the area has not yet suffered water shortages that justify tapping brackish aquifer, scientists say the discovery infers such undersea aquifers may be common worldwide, offering a virtually limitless supply of water that is much more readily desalinated than seawater.

A range of Fluence products can help communities safely convert their wastewater into a high-quality effluent to restore their aquifers or allow them to sustain themselves on brackish water reserves. On Cyprus, for instance, a Fluence desalination plant uses brackish water reverse osmosis and has a capacity 10 million L/d of top-quality drinking water. In China, Fluence is commissioning 80 Aspiral MABR wastewater treatment plants that will allow Hubei Province highway service areas to safely replenish the local environment with high-quality effluent.

Contact Fluence for the technology and expertise to turn brackish water into high-quality drinking water and safely replenish aquifers.

10 Ways to Conserve Water for a Sustainable Living

Water is a precious resource. One that makes our planet unique, and more importantly, habitable. So whether or not you’re facing water shortage, it is important to find ways to conserve water for a sustainable living. Plus, you’ll also save money in energy and utility bills.
About 71 percent of the earth’s surface is covered in water. So you might ask, “Why should we conserve water at all?” But of all that water, only 3 percent is freshwater and most of it is locked in ice and glaciers. And what is available for use, is not distributed equally all over the world.
Conserving water isn’t hard. It’s all about the little, everyday things. Here are a few tips to help you save more water at home

1. Turn off the tap when it’s not in use

Keeping the water running while brushing your teeth or shaving, wastes about 4-5 gallons of water on average. That’s roughly what a family in Africa uses in an entire day. Instead, you could plug the sink while shaving and turn the faucet off until it’s time to wash.

2. Soak your dishes in warm water first

Soaking your dishes is more effective than scraping them in running water. You will save water and a whole lot of effort.

3. Run your dishwasher and laundry only when its full

Your dishwasher and washing machine can each use a whopping 10-15 gallons of water per cycle. For laundry machines, an older agitator model uses up to 40 gallons of water, and a front-loader uses about 7 gallons. So you will get better value for your money and save water by doing fewer, fuller loads.

4. Cut those long showers short

There’s nothing like a long, hot shower to fire up your grey cells. Or a relaxed bath at the end of a hard day. We get it. But what if you could cut those extra minutes in the shower? Or fill your bath only halfway instead of full? That could help you save not just more water, but time and money from heater bills.

5. Use energy-efficient, water-saving devices

If long showers are your thing, you could install low-flow shower heads instead. They tend to have lesser water pressure and therefore, lesser water flow, while still offering a satisfying shower. You could also opt for Ultra-low flush (ULF) toilets. They use less water per flush but are just as effective.

6. Use a water softener to tackle hard water problems

Are you finding it hard to lather or wash off soap? Salt stains dotting your glassware and countertops even after you’ve cleaned them? These are signs of hard water. Meaning, you’re probably using more water to clean everything.
To be sure, call your local Culligan Water expert and get your water tested. Culligan water softeners are designed for your home’s unique needs. So you can not only cut your bath time short, your skin and hair will be noticeably softer. Your laundry and dishes will feel fresher and your household appliances won’t need as much maintenance as before.

7. Fix plumbing leaks

If you’ve done everything, but your water bills are still high, leaky plumbing could be the problem. Keep a close eye on your utility bills. And get your plumbing checked and fixed to reduce water wastage.

8. Go easy on your sprinklers and gardening hose

While watering the lawn, ensure your sprinkler system is effectively watering just your lawn. Not the driveway, sidewalk, or your house.

9. Use drip irrigation to water your plants

Garden hoses and sprinklers can overwater your plants. Much of this water could also be lost through evaporation and runoff. So if you have a small garden or few plants, try drip irrigation. That way, your plants will have enough water consistently.

10. Reuse water for landscape gardens

Instead of washing your fruits and vegetables in running water, rinse them in a bowl of water. This water is not ideal for drinking or personal use, but you can use it to water your plants. The EPA explains how to recycle and reuse water sustainably.

Ways To Conserve And Protect Groundwater

In this section, you’ll find information, tips, and suggestions on ways you can protect and conserve groundwater in and around your home.

  1. Go Native – Use native plants in your landscape. They look great, and don’t need much water or fertilizer. Also choose grass varieties for your lawn that are adapted for your region’s climate, reducing the need for extensive watering or chemical applications.
  2. Reduce Chemical Use – Use fewer chemicals around your home and yard, and make sure to dispose of them properly – don’t dump them on the ground!
  3. Manage Waste – Properly dispose of potentially toxic substances like unused chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paint, motor oil, and other substances. Many communities hold household hazardous waste collections or sites – contact your local health department to find one near you.
  4. Don’t Let It Run – Shut off the water when you brush your teeth or shaving, and don’t let it run while waiting for it to get cold. Keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge instead.
  5. Fix the Drip – Check all the faucets, fixtures, toilets, and taps in your home for leaks and fix them right away, or install water conserving models.
  6. Wash Smarter – Limit yourself to just a five minute shower, and challenge your family members to do the same! Also, make sure to only run full loads in the dish and clothes washer.
  7. Water Wisely – Water the lawn and plants during the coolest parts of the day and only when they truly need it. Make sure you, your family, and your neighbors obey any watering restrictions during dry periods.
  8. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – Reduce the amount of “stuff” you use and reuse what you can. Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, aluminum and other materials.
  9. Natural Alternatives – Use all natural/nontoxic household cleaners whenever possible. Materials such as lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar make great cleaning products, are inexpensive, and are environmentally friendly.
  10. Learn and Do More! – Get involved in water education! Learn more about groundwater and share your knowledge with others.


irrigationA documentary filmmaker hopes to put the High Plains water issues into a historic and scientific perspective. The documentary, which is being financed through the funding platform Kickstarter, will record the struggles faced by farmers as they battle drought, wind and the unpredictable nature of a warming climate. It asks communities what choices they can make before the well runs dry.

This project is the brainchild of filmmaker Merri Lisa Trigilio, who is both a documentarian and a geoscientist. During her career, Trigilio has worked not only with multinational oil companies but also as a researcher in carbon sequestration. She also recently served as a fellow at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., where she wrote and produced documentaries. Now that the project has reached its funding goal, it’s safe to say this documentary will soon be in the works. For those of us who are familiar with the High Plains water issues, that’s exciting.

Keeping Up With Irrigation Demands

The Ogallala Aquifer is one of the world’s largest aquifers and covers an area of approximately 174,000 square miles in portions of South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. With almost 56 percent of U.S. grain, beef and cotton produced as a result of irrigation, the Ogallala Aquifer plays an essential role in keeping these industries afloat.

The initial waters that fed the aquifer were sourced from 10,000-year-old glaciers, but now the only water source that consistently refills the aquifer is modern-day precipitation, which isn’t enough to keep pace with irrigation demands.

Putting Waters Issues in a Global Perspective

Trigilio says “my passion for water issues is based in my scientific background, but spending many months with the people of West Texas and Southwest Kansas has caused me to become passionate about how the aquifer enriches people’s lives — and how that is in jeopardy. This is a film that hopes to put water issues in the West in a global historic and scientific perspective.”

Only Days Left

The documentary has reached its funding goal of $4,500, but there are still a few days left of the campaign. Trigilio says the Kickstarter funding will be used to interview scientists and policy makers. The $4,500 will be used to finance a three-week shoot schedule, which will cover the cost of transportation across Kansas, Texas and New Mexico, lodging, food and film equipment rental.

Kickstarter is a funding platform dedicated to making creative projects possible with direct support from anyone around the world. Once a project has set a funding goal, people make pledges; if a project reaches its funding goal, pledges are processed by Kickstarter and filming can begin.

How Can You Help?

If you’re interested in water issues, especially as they relate to the High Plains and the Ogallala Aquifer, this is a project you should know about. If you’re interested in funding it, that’s great, but our goal is to raise awareness about the issue more than anything else. If you’re interested in being interviewed and/or contributing in some way, you should reach out to Help spread the word to your connections who might also be passionate about water issues through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email and other outlets. The more people who are aware of these challenges and the threat to farmers and others living in the areas impacted most by this water crisis, the better.

What do you think of the impending drought faced by farmers today? We’d be interested in hearing your opinions.

What is groundwater and why is it so important?

A woman filling up a bucket of water at a makeshift well under a bridge

Thinking about freshwater often brings to mind pictures of flowing streams and crystal clear lakes, but actually, almost all freshwater in the world (that is not frozen and locked away in ice caps and glaciers) is groundwater.

Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand, and rock. It is held in aquifers—permeable water-bearing rock and/or sediment – and can be extracted through wells or bubbles up naturally through a spring or is discharged into lakes or streams. Even though it’s underground, when it does bubble up, groundwater helps to replenish and maintain levels of surface water – the bodies of water that we are used to seeing such as rivers, lakes, streams. Groundwater helps to keep our rivers free-flowing.

Groundwater is used for drinking water by close to 50 percent of the people in the United States, but its largest use is for crop irrigation and agricultural production.

Close-up of cupped hands holding water over a streamOne place that critically relies on groundwater is the Rio Grande- Rio Bravo (RGRB) river basin, which creates the border between Southwest Texas and Mexico. More than 16 million people in this region in both the US and Mexico depend on this resource; it accounts for 25 percent of the water that is used for irrigated agriculture and public supply in the basin.

Not just the people, but the local wildlife and the river itself also heavily rely on groundwater. In some stretches of the Rio Grande-Rio Bravo, such as the Big Bend region, more than 50 percent of the water that flows in the river comes from groundwater during the months when the river volumes get low. It’s also the main source of water for wetlands and springs, which are of critical importance for freshwater biodiversity and migratory bird conservation.

One of the main challenges to protecting groundwater is that it is, of course, underground. Groundwater levels are not easily monitored with the naked eye and so supplies can be unknowingly polluted or even overdrawn, meaning that more is taken out of the ground than can be sustainably replenished. Groundwater can be polluted by landfills, septic tanks, leaky underground gas tanks, and from overuse of fertilizers and pesticides.

The water in RGRB is critically endangered. Surface water in the basin is 150 percent overallocated and the basin’s groundwater resources are similarly overdrawn. The river itself has lost approximately 90 percent of its historic flows and has been declared one of the ten most endangered rivers, globally. Climate change and rapid population growth in border cities are putting increasing pressure on the river’s precious resources.

However, groundwater has the ability to be recharged and replenished. It can happen naturally when rain and snowmelt seeps down into the cracks and crevices beneath the land’s surface, or artificially when people take action to restore groundwater levels by redirecting water so it will be reabsorbed into the ground through canals, basins, or ponds.

WWF-Mexico has made progress on an Aquifer Recharge project on the Mexican portion of the RGRB. The program has created a management plan focused on rainwater capture and ground infiltration to replenish the aquifers and stabilize ongoing usage. This work is considered a nature-based solution, which is a type of intervention that is aligned with nature and can help build resilience in the face of climate change.

As climate change worsens, groundwater stores will become more and more critical to maintaining our access to safe, drinkable water. What we need now to prevent groundwater pollution in homes and cities is to ensure proper disposal of waste and chemicals, promote aquifer recharge interventions at scale, support efforts to raise awareness such as the, and to push local, state, and federal policymakers to protect groundwater and strengthen water governance by adding measures like the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

How to Prevent Groundwater Over-Usage


When you turn on the tap to get a drink, do you wonder where your water comes from? If you live in a city, the answer is probably the city’s water grid. But if your home is on well water, your refreshing drink comes straight from the depths of the earth. There are many uses of groundwater that we often take for granted.

Groundwater is one of our most valuable resources, so we should pay attention to how we use it. Today, we’re facing a trend of groundwater depletion that could put human life at risk. So what is groundwater depletion and what can we do to prevent it?

The Problem: Groundwater Depletion

Water is a limited resource. While more than 70 percent of our planet is covered in it, only three percent of that water is drinkable — and two percent of that is frozen in our polar ice caps. Much of the water we drink is pumped up from beneath the ground. One of the primary uses of groundwater is providing drinking water: for 37 percent of urban households and 90 percent of the water consumed by rural households.

Groundwater is becoming scarce in certain areas around the world. The underground aquifers that store this drinkable water are beginning to run dry. The water cycle naturally replenishes the aquifers — rainwater trickles down through the substrate and is purified along the way — but we’re pumping the water out faster than it can refill.

This kind of groundwater depletion plays a significant role in the fact that one out of every nine people in the world doesn’t have access to clean drinking water. Water shortages are becoming more common — Cape Town, South Africa, almost ran out of water entirely in 2016. Over pumping lowers the water table and increases the cost of water, and can even affect the level of local lakes and rivers.

Pumping isn’t the only threat to these natural water sources. The growth of “fracking” — the colloquial name for hydraulic fracturing — also threatens water supplies. Fracking works by forcing water or another fluid through a narrow opening to fracture the rocks that contain natural gas. Miners can harvest the gas, but the water or liquid that they used for the fracturing is contaminated and can leak into natural groundwater sources. This limits the uses of groundwater because, once it has been contaminated, it is no longer considered potable.

What can we do to prevent groundwater depletion and contamination?

Focus on Native Landscaping

It’s tempting to find the most beautiful and exotic plants you can to decorate the exterior of your home, but this isn’t the best idea. Non-native plants often come from rain forests and other areas where precipitation is plentiful. If your home doesn’t get as much rain as the Amazon, you’ll end up wasting a lot of water to keep them alive.

Focus on native plants instead of exotic ones. They’ll look just as beautiful, and you won’t have to waste all your time — and all of your water — trying to keep them alive in an environment that is so unlike their own.

Fix Your Leaks

Leaky faucets are annoying, but they’re also one of the biggest water-wasters in the world. One valve, dripping once per second, leaks roughly one-quarter of a milliliter with every drop. It might not sound like much, but it adds up quickly. That single quarter-milliliter becomes 86,400 drips per day, for a total of five full gallons of water. That’s 2,028 gallons of water down the drain every year.

Follow Watering Restrictions

We all love having a green lawn or a lush garden, but watering during the middle of the day means you’ll need more water to keep your plants alive. Once the sun reaches its peak, much of the water you’re using evaporates instead of soaking into the ground to reach the roots of the plants that need it. That is why many cities regulate watering. You’re only allowed to irrigate your plants late in the evening or early in the morning, when evaporation is no longer a problem.

Watering restrictions become even stricter during the dry months. Pay attention to these restrictions so you’re not wasting water unnecessarily. At the same time, pay attention to the weather — you don’t need to water your plants if it rained during the day!

Don’t Dump

Many of the chemicals we use every day are hazardous to local water tables. Fertilizers, pesticides and even cleaning materials can end up in a raindrop that makes its way down into the aquifer. This contamination then infiltrates your drinking water.

Pay close attention to the chemicals in and around your home. Choose natural alternatives whenever possible. Don’t dump any chemicals outside your house. Even if stormwater runoff isn’t a problem, these chemicals can be dangerous to local plants and animals.

Conserve Water

The average American household uses 300 gallons of water each day. In 2015, the United States alone used 322,000 million gallons of water per day. Every home and business can take steps to conserve water, from shutting off the water while brushing your teeth to taking shorter showers and upgrading your fixtures to low-flow alternatives.

If every household reduced their water use by just 50 gallons a day — which you can do by replacing your old toilet with a low-flow model — we could save millions of gallons of water and prevent groundwater depletion. Every little bit helps, but it will take a lot of homes making small changes for it to add up into an effective transition.

Protecting Groundwater Is a Shared Mission

Groundwater is one of our most valuable resources and it’s becoming scarcer every year. Every household and business needs to do everything they can to reduce each of their uses of groundwater, from fixing leaky taps to reducing use or watering intelligently. We have a limited amount of drinkable water on our home planet, and once it runs out, human life will quickly follow it into the abyss.

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How Do We Protect Groundwater for Future Generations?

iron-contaminated water

Clean, safe groundwater is one of our most valuable and essential resources on this planet. It is the duty of groundwater professionals to protect this valuable resource for future generations. Good well construction practices, including grouting and/or sealing water wells from the top of the well screen all the way to the surface, ensure no pathways for surface contamination to the water we count on. This practice also ensures that poor aquifers don’t comingle with good production aquifers.

Groundwater contamination can come from many sources. These sources include:

  • Industrial waste
  • Chemical and hydrocarbon contamination from refinery operations or leaky tanks
  • Pesticides, fertilizers and/or animal waste runoff from agricultural applications
  • Septic systems
  • Contaminated aquifers that are above desirable aquifers

Many states require contractors installing domestic water wells to grout or seal only the upper 10 to 20 feet of the well. This leaves a void (the annular space below the sealed area) that can potentially serve as a pathway for contamination to enter the aquifer. Ideally, after the water well is drilled and the casing and gravel pack are in place, a tremie line is lowered to just above the gravel pack/well screen area. Grout is pumped through the tremie line to displace drilling fluid and fill the annular space.

Good well construction practices … ensure no pathways for surface contamination to the water we count on.

While working in the northern Baja California area of Mexico, I was asked to look at some large irrigation wells. The issue was that the steel casing was being destroyed in as few as five years from installation. Before going out into the field to inspect the well sites, we stopped in at the drilling contractor’s facility. There we found everything, including drill pipe, tooling and casing, laying on the ground (a source for iron bacteria). It was apparent as we approached the first well site that the well was pumping into a concrete ravine; the ravine collected the water and distributed it to many agricultural fields in the area. At the water line, a bright red rust line was visible and the water smelled of rotten eggs (a tell-tale sign of iron bacteria). The 400+ irrigation wells were over 800 feet deep. The annular space was not grouted from the well screen to the surface, and therefore, one can assume that everything from fertilizers to pesticides being sprayed on the crops was eventually finding its way into the aquifer used to supply water to the fields. It is also safe to assume that iron bacteria picked up by tooling, drill pipe and casing lying on the ground was being transferred back into a nutrient-rich environment. Fertilizers were finding their way into the aquifer (high nitrogen and phosphate levels could be detected in the water), resulting in the rapid failures to the steel casing.

Another example of poor grouting and sealing practices that this writer personally witnessed was on a large geothermal heating and cooling installation. The project was at a military base on the southern coast of South Carolina. Hundreds of geothermal loops were installed to a depth of 200 feet and, to comply with state grouting and sealing regulations, the annular space was sealed to a depth of 20 feet from the surface. Unfortunately, the holes penetrated a saltwater aquifer that was above a good freshwater aquifer, which was a major water source for a large metropolitan area. The open geothermal holes became a pathway for the denser saltwater to easily migrate down into the good fresh water aquifer and became a source of contamination. To make matters worse, the geothermal heating and cooling systems did not function correctly because the holes lacked the thermally enhanced grout needed to correctly exchange temperature between the loops and the surrounding ground. The properly installed geothermal grout would also have prevented the commingling of aquifers and guarded against surface contamination.

The solution to the above-mentioned scenarios is good grouting and sealing practices. Drilling professionals must also be knowledgeable in selecting the proper grout for their applications. For example, a 20-percent high-solids bentonite grout may work well for areas where the ground stays moist, but in areas with large vadose zones, a 20-percent solids bentonite grout (i.e., 20 percent solids/80 percent water) can desiccate (dry out and shrink). The grout will not adequately rehydrate to protect the wells and aquifers from contamination. In the vadose zone, a higher-solids-content grout, such as a grout/sand mixture, may be required.

A grout also must be significantly heavier than the drilling fluid that it will displace in order to properly seal the annular space. Years ago, I heard a contractor in southern Florida complain about experiencing grout failure with 20-percent solids bentonite grout. In fact, they were drilling with a high-solids drilling fluid that weighed 11.5 pounds per gallon and they were trying to displace with grout that weighed only 9.5 pounds per gallon. Naturally, the lighter bentonite grout quickly floated to the surface. It was like oil in water; the result was an inadequately grouted water well where an undesirable upper water table that was high in iron migrated and commingled with a good aquifer.

Passing on safe drinking water to future generations depends on good well construction practices. This includes grouting and/or sealing water wells from the top of the well screen all the way to the surface. This is the only way to ensure that the wells we use to obtain clean and safe drinking water are not the pathways for contamination.

The Importance of Groundwater

Groundwater and Humanity

Groundwater is a vital water supply for humanity. Groundwater provides drinking water entirely or in part for as much as 50% of the global population and accounts for 43% of all of water used for irrigation. Worldwide, 2.5 billion people depend solely on groundwater resources to satisfy their basic daily water needs.

The Earth’s population of nearly 8 billion in 2020 is expected to reach 11 billion by 2100. Humans will have to learn to produce sufficient food without destroying the soil, water and climate. This has been called the greatest challenge humanity has faced. Sustainable management of groundwater is at the heart of the solution. Scientific understanding and proper management of groundwater is essential, because groundwater can alleviate the problem if we seek its responsible use and replenishment.



Groundwater and the Earth

Although hidden below the Earth’s surface, groundwater makes up 99% of Earth’s liquid fresh water and plays an important role in the water cycle. Rivers, lakes and wetlands are surface manifestations of groundwater, exchanging flow with the groundwater reservoir that feeds them when they need water and takes some of their flow when surface water is present in excess.

Groundwater also controls many features on the Earth’s surface. The depth of the water table is partly responsible for different plant species occupying different positions along the slopes from hill to valley, as only the drought tolerant plants can live on dry hill sides and water tolerant plants live near streams. Dissolution of carbonate rocks by flowing groundwater creates caves and sinkholes. In desert environments, groundwater discharge forms oases, which provide habitats for animals and plants.


Groundwater at Risk

Modern scientific measurements show that many of major aquifers (groundwater reservoirs) of the world are being depleted. Such depletion can lead to decrease in stream flow, drying of springs or wetlands, loss of vegetation, water-level declines in wells, and land subsidence. Yet another threat to groundwater is pollution resulting from human activity, generating chemicals and wastes that have leaked into the subsurface. Pollution degrades the quality of groundwater and poses a threat to human and ecological health.

As the human population grows, more demand will be placed on groundwater, a vast, but finite, resource. The need for understanding our groundwater systems and for managing them in a thoughtful manner within the constraints of the hydrologic cycle, is greater than ever.

To learn more about groundwater, please visit our web page, where you will find a growing number of books and movies for readers of diverse interests.

Can You Drink Well Water?

can you drink well water

With the right precautions, you can certainly drink well water and use it for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and more. However, since private well water typically is not treated or tested by a municipal organization, you will need to make sure that you take a proactive approach to assessing the quality and safety of your water supply. Wellwater is particularly susceptible to certain water quality issues, including both aesthetic factors and concerns that could impact your health.

Wellwater requires regular testing – and often, treatment – to ensure that it’s safe and pleasant to drink.

Potential Well Water Problems

While aesthetic issues like hardness, iron, and hydrogen sulfide are among the most common problems well water users experience, there is also the potential for contaminants that can negatively impact health.* Nitrates, arsenic, and lead rank among the most common chemicals that could be found in well water, according to Health Canada. Total coliform bacteria is another component well users may want to test for, as this could indicate the presence of harmful germs and bacteria.

In addition, some other possible contaminants in well water could include organic chemicals and heavy metals such as lead, chromium, copper, and others.

Excess Minerals and Well Water

Besides contaminants, high concentrations of certain minerals are another common problem for well water users. Wellwater sourced from groundwater in areas with high mineral content may be more susceptible to this issue. In particular, iron may impact your water quality. Hydrogen sulfide may also produce aesthetic concerns.

Iron in drinking water is a common cause of rust stains throughout the home, including on dishes and in the laundry. Minerals like iron can also leave a metallic taste. If hydrogen sulfide is present in your well water, you may notice a rotten egg smell.

Health Effects Related to Some Common Well Water Problems

Some of these well water concerns and contaminants may have an impact on the health of various household members. Considering the unique risks presented by these potential water quality problems, it’s important to test regularly, so you can identify issues before they affect your health.

What Types of Health Issues Can Be Related to Drinking Water Quality?

Health concerns for well water vary depending on the source of the water quality issue. Specific contaminants like nitrates, arsenic, coliform bacteria, and others each present certain health risks.

Contamination from nitrate may be connected to methemoglobinemia, particularly in bottle-fed infants, as well as affecting thyroid gland function and demonstrating an association with cancer.

The potential health effects of arsenic exposure from drinking water could include cancer, abnormal heart rhythms, and blood vessel damage as well as other issues, ranging from nausea and diarrhea to muscle pain and loss of movement.

Coliform bacteria, which is essentially a large group of different types of bacteria, may or may not cause illness depending on what variety is observed. However, the presence of any amount indicates that harmful bacteria, such as disease-causing fecal coliform or E. coli, may also enter the water supply, causing gastrointestinal issues.

Consuming high levels of heavy metals can be associated with acute and chronic toxicity as well as damage to the liver, kidneys, and intestines. These harmful contaminants may also be associated with anemia and cancer.

Various other microorganisms may also cause infections and gastrointestinal illness.

Is It Safe To Drink Well Water?

The quality of well water can vary from one location to the next, and it can shift over time due to changes in the area, natural disasters, and more. In addition, well water quality can be influenced by the state of your good system and recent changes to the equipment you use. Unlike city water, private wells are not federally regulated. Owners must conduct their own testing to ensure the safety of their water supply.

Can you drink well water? The answer is most likely yes, but testing and treatment are crucial. As long as you closely monitor the condition of your water supply and take appropriate measures to ensure its quality, well water can be safe to drink.

How Can You Make Your Well Water Taste and Smell Better?

Safety is an important concern for well water users, but aesthetic factors are also essential to address. Testing your drinking water can help you identify what is causing the unpleasant taste or odor. With this information, you can implement the right water filtration solutions to handle the issue.

Wellwater users should test their water supply at least annually for contaminants and other issues. Professional analysis can help you discover the source of possible problems with your well water.

What Is Going on in Your Area That Could Affect Your Well?

In addition to testing your drinking water annually, certain events in the surrounding area may affect your groundwater supply, potentially introducing new sources of contamination. As a result, you may want to conduct additional water testing after certain events.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that well water can be affected by:

  • Flooding and land disturbances
  • The operation of nearby waste disposal facilities
  • Updates to the good system

Test regularly for nitrate and coliform bacteria. Consulting with a professional can help you determine when to test and what else to look for, including arsenic, heavy metals, certain minerals, and other types of microorganisms and bacteria.

Where Can You Have Your Well Water Tested to Ensure It Is Safe to Drink?

Assessing your water source to make sure that it’s safe to drink can start with professionally conducted in-home testing from your tap water. While this method can give you some quick results, your local water treatment experts can also let you know if you also should use analysis from a certified laboratory to complete a more thorough review.

Does Your Well Water Need To Be Treated?

Wellwater treatment may be required depending on the presence of contaminants in your drinking water. In addition, aesthetic issues associated with certain minerals, including foul taste or smell, can lead many well water users to pursue drinking water treatment options, depending on their water source.

Well Water Treatment Options

With an in-depth understanding of your well water’s quality, you can identify potential treatment options. It’s likely that specific whole-home and reverse osmosis systems will be part of your treatment plan. Professionals can help you find the right solutions for your unique needs.

Can You Boil Well Water to Drink?

During emergency situations, well water users may temporarily be advised to use bottled water or to boil their drinking water to kill microorganisms. This is not a permanent solution, and it does not replace the need for additional filtration systems. For example, boiling drinking water does not remove non-living contaminants such as chemicals and heavy metals. The process also takes extra time and effort.

How Do You Filter Water at Home if You Are Concerned About Water Quality?

Selecting a well water filtration system involves shopping for a solution that will meet the specific needs revealed by your test results while also seeking out options that offer customization and superior customer service from the provider.

In general, whole-home filtration systems can help address issues like staining due to excessive iron and the undesirable smell associated with hydrogen sulfide. A reverse osmosis system is often recommended for drinking water.

What Is a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filtration System?

A reverse osmosis (RO) system treats drinking water at the point of use through a multistep filtration process to provide you with cleaner, safer water. Using an RO system to treat drinking water sourced from a well can help you address water quality issues, improving the taste and smell of your household drinking water.

Wellwater can be safe for drinking and all other household needs, as long as you make sure to test your water supply regularly and select treatment solutions in line with your results. Learn more about the well-water treatment options that are available for your specific needs.

12 Ways to Protect and Conserve Groundwater

1. Go, Native,

Utilize local plants in your scene. They look extraordinary and needn’t bother with much water or manure. Additionally pick grass assortments for your yard that are adjusted for your locale’s environment, decreasing the requirement for broad watering or synthetic applications.

2. Reduce Chemical Use

Utilize fewer synthetic substances around your home and yard, and make a point to discard them appropriately – don’t dump them on the ground!

3. Manage Waste

Appropriately discard possibly poisonous substances like unused synthetic compounds, drugs, paint, engine oil, and different substances. With regards to biodegradable waste, rather than discarding it (which could wind up debasing a groundwater source), transform it into compost and you can use it to develop plants. All things considered, consistently separate it from wet waste, so it’s simpler to reuse and doesn’t wind up in a landfill.

4. Don’t Let It Run

Stop the water when you brush your teeth or shave and don’t allow it to run while hanging tight for it to get cold. Keep a pitcher of cold water in the cooler all things being equal.

5. Fix the Drip

Check every one of the spigots, apparatuses, pipes, and taps in your home for holes and fix them immediately, or introduce water-saving models.

6. Wash Smarter

Limit yourself to simply a brief shower, and challenge your relatives to do likewise! Additionally, try to just run full loads in the dish and garments washer.

7. Water Wisely

Water the grass and plants during the coolest pieces of the day and just when they need it. Ensure you, your family, and your neighbors submit to any watering limitations during dry periods.

8. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Lessen the measure of “stuff” you utilize and reuse what you can. Reuse paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, aluminum, and different materials.

9. Use Natural Alternatives

Utilize all normal/nontoxic family cleaners at whatever point conceivable. Materials like lemon juice, heating pop, and vinegar make extraordinary cleaning items, are reasonable, and are harmless to the ecosystem.

10. Keep up septic tanks appropriately

Septic tanks ought to never be arranged anyplace almost a wellspring of new water. On the off chance that you have no other choice, they ought to be warded a protected distance off, and safeguards ought to be taken so the harmful material from a septic tank never connects with groundwater. Septic tanks ought to be kept up consistently and you ought to guarantee they never create releases or get stopped up.

11. Keep a nursery admirably

If you have a nursery, you can moderate water by watering the plants promptly in the first part of the day or when the sun is not, at this point overhead. Watering plants during the early afternoon will mean a great deal of water gets squandered because of dissipation. Likewise, pick plants that don’t need a ton of water and composts, and are impervious to bothers. Trees can likewise help monitor groundwater.

12. Instruct others

It’s important that everybody locally comprehends the significance of monitoring groundwater and understands what estimates should be taken to guarantee freshwater sources are not contaminated. Whenever you’ve carried out strides to save groundwater, don’t stop! Instruct others and urge them to follow great groundwater protection rehearses.

The always developing human populace has put a great deal of weight on drinking water, particularly in thickly populated urban areas. Our hunger for new water has been causing the groundwater to exhaust quickly. To exacerbate the situation, our terrible practices are contaminating in any event, existing water sources like waterways, lakes, and water present in profound underground supplies.

The best way to keep our planet from transforming into a tragic world without drinking water is by ensuring and moderating water. You don’t need to hang tight for your nearby government or local area to find ways to monitor groundwater. You can follow these ten basic strides to monitor groundwater.

All views are expressed by the author. The pictures are from the website

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